
我々の事例研究では、プロジェクト中の我々の仕事を詳細に、また実際の例を使って紹介しています。 成功するために我々が使う戦略と方策を論証しています。 それぞれの事例では特定のプロジェクト、企業、国に絞っており、またFLEXCUBEプロジェクトが使用されている間の大切な問題をカバーしています。



A Universal Bank Case Study
A Universal Bank Case Study
Tarant_CaseStudy_universal bank.pdf
141.2 KiB

The Bank is currently implementing FLEXCUBE and plans to complete the implementation of CASA and Consumer Lending modules in the first phase.

A Commercial Bank Case Study
A Commercial Bank Case Study
Tarant_CaseStudy_commercial bank.pdf
129.5 KiB

This case study pertains to one of the biggest commercial bank in the whole of Central and Eastern European region.

A New Bank Case Study
A New Bank Case Study
137.1 KiB

A green field bank was contemplating to start the banking operations in a European country with FLEXCUBE being its core banking application.

A Mortgage Bank Case Study
A Mortgage Bank Case Study
149.0 KiB

This case study pertains to a leading bank in the lending industry in Central and Eastern Europe Region.

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