Manapság nehéz elképzelni a napjainkat mobilalkalmazások nélkül. Segítenek eligazodni, emlékeztetnek a napi terveinkre, segítenek a testmozgásban, a meditációban, az ismerkedésben és még sok másban. És persze minden magára valamit is adó szerencsejátékos kipróbált már egy … [Read more...]
Our capabilities in Business Process Engineering Language module of FLEXCUBE
Service oriented architecture is the latest and strongest entrant in the software architecture world with its benefits being realized when adopted in the right manner by organizations. FLEXCUBE BPEL process module is an SOA extension to the world's leading Core banking solution, FLEXCUBE. FLEXCUBE … [Read more...]
A live experience shared by one of our Consultants.
This incident happened when I was working as a Consultant for a East European bank. The bank had just gone live on 1st December, and I had recently joined the project. Right on the second day of go live, the Bank faced a major issue in terms of financial implications. The problem was with all the … [Read more...]
An experience shared by one of our senior technical consultant
One incident which I can recall is when I was working as a Senior Technical Lead for a commercial bank CBS project. The bank had gone live about one month ago, and I was providing the post production support. There had been a problem reported with the migrated Term Deposits on first day after … [Read more...]